Graduate Student Opportunities
The CAWS group al always open to suitable graduate student and postdoctoral candidates. Current funding (2023-2024) focuses research on either carbon and greenhouse gas balance of northern peatlands, or on catchment studies in northern Canada where wildfire and permafrost thaw may affect solute delivery to downstream ecosystems. There are also opportunities for modelling, especially of methane emissions. The CAWS Research Group is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We welcome people of any ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or ability to contact us about the position. Proficiency in spoken and written English is needed. Full funding for MSc and PhD students is available through Graduate Research Assistant Fellowships valued at at least CAD$25,000 per year. Additional funding (~CAD$3,000 per year) is available for international students to cover added university tuition. Funding is also available to cover costs for skills workshops, national and international scientific conferences, and field gear. Additional stipends and scholarships are available to apply for from both institutional and national sources, including recruitment awards for students with high GPAs. For further information and to apply, please send a letter of interest to olefeldt@ualberta.ca. Include resume/CV describing your skills and education, university transcripts and names of two referees.
Our Values
Our research team is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We will honour your experiences and perspectives, and encourage those with historically underserved identities to apply. Our lab group will follow a code of conduct and bill of rights during fieldwork.